Discover Your Gifts and Assignment in the Body of Christ MP3

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Discover Your Gifts and Assignment In the Body of Christ.jpg

Discover Your Gifts and Assignment in the Body of Christ MP3


Message Titles

  1. A Condemnation - Free Heart Has Great Faith

  2. The Unknown Healer- Understanding the Gifts of the Spirit

  3. The 5 Fold Ministry and God's Church

  4. Knowledge, Wisdom, and Prophecy

  5. Gift of Tongues Aligns Creation to Reflect God's Will


God is building his church. His church is his body in the earth, You have a place in that church, you are an important member in his body. No one can tell you that you don’t belong and you can’t tell someone else proclaiming Jesus as their Lord that they don’t belong.

As a member of God’s body, you have a role to fulfill. Part of that role is allowing God to express his graces or his gifts through you for the benefit of the church and the rest of the world.

There is only one anointing, there is only one spirit, but there are different kinds of graces/gifts. God will choose which graces he wants to express through each member of his body, Every member has all of his graces within them but God will place us in specific offices to complete different functions, all of which are vital and important.

He gave you his spirit so you would know what he put in you. His spirit is searching your heart to show you areas where you don’t trust him, then gives you the truth to believe. Because believing truth brings freedom. He's trying to lead and guide you into all truth and his spirit is trying to reveal to you what he’s prepared for you and how to navigate life to position yourself to walk in those good things. When we think spiritually, or according to his truth and promises, we have life, when the ways of his spirit are confusing to us, we have death.