Finish Your Race and Fulfill Your Assignment from God

Finish Your Race and Fulfill Your Assignment from God

God is building his church and you have a significant role to fulfill. Do you know your assignment in the body of Christ? God didn’t create you to do a job for him, he created you to be his child, plain and simple. Acknowledge God as your Father and Christ as your savior and purpose is fulfilled.

However, now that you’re in his family, he has an assignment for you, some people call this a calling. You can accept or decline the assignment, it’s your choice. God will not change his mind about you nor will he revoke your access to Heaven if you don’t fulfill your assignment, but don’t you want to complete what he wants you to do?

You may have multiple assignments throughout your time on earth as a member of his body. Your assignments may be as simple as being kind to strangers but it may also be serving as a missionary to a hostile nation where you lose your life, or any number of assignments in between. Either way, he has equipped you with his spirit, he continually leads you and he will be your peace as you work out the details.