
Splagchnizomai - Jesus Was Moved with Compassion for People

Splagchnizomai - Jesus Was Moved with Compassion for People

In Acts 2 and Hebrews 1, we discover that many of David's Psalms have prophetic significance. David's prophetic Messianic Psalms uniquely connect with the heart of Jesus and express what he would experience during his trial, beating, crucifixion, time in Hades, and his resurrection.

For instance, Psalm 18 provides a powerful firsthand account of the resurrection of Christ, while Psalm 22 expresses the experience of Christ on the cross. Similarly, Psalm 110 reveals Christ's heart while in the heart of the earth after his death.

While Matthew records the words of Christ on the cross, we can gain even more insights into his experience by looking at the Psalms that Jesus identifies with. Studying these Psalms can help us personalize and appreciate the suffering Christ endured for our sake.

We Can Know What Jesus Was Thinking On The Cross

We Can Know What Jesus Was Thinking On The Cross

In Acts 2 and Hebrews 1, we discover that many of David's Psalms have prophetic significance. David's prophetic Messianic Psalms uniquely connect with the heart of Jesus and express what he would experience during his trial, beating, crucifixion, time in Hades, and his resurrection.

For instance, Psalm 18 provides a powerful firsthand account of the resurrection of Christ, while Psalm 22 expresses the experience of Christ on the cross. Similarly, Psalm 110 reveals Christ's heart while in the heart of the earth after his death.

While Matthew records the words of Christ on the cross, we can gain even more insights into his experience by looking at the Psalms that Jesus identifies with. Studying these Psalms can help us personalize and appreciate the suffering Christ endured for our sake.

The Heart of Jesus: Enduring for the Joy Set Before Him

The Heart of Jesus: Enduring for the Joy Set Before Him

Jesus knew that God had sent him into the world to die on the cross and save sinners. The last week of his earthly life was heart-wrenching and painful, but he endured it for us. Jesus asked God if there was a different plan, not wanting to be forsaken by his Father, but he still endured. He endured the shame of the cross for the joy set before him, which is us. Thank you for joining us today. We pray that today's journey through Christ's prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane encourages you and gives you hope to remain faithful.

How to be a King

How to be a King

You are a king and a priest of God's kingdom that shall reign in this life. He has raised you with Christ and seated you in Heavenly places. You are a co-heir of everything Jesus inherited in his resurrection and ascension.

That sounds wonderful, it sounds very spiritual, but what does it mean to you now? Do you actually know how to live within those realities in this present life?