Quantum Prayer - Quantum Entanglement, Non-Locality, and the Unified Field Theory Reflect Kingdom Laws

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Quantum Prayer cover.jpeg

Quantum Prayer - Quantum Entanglement, Non-Locality, and the Unified Field Theory Reflect Kingdom Laws

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Message Titles

  1. Quantum Entanglement and the Power of Prayer

  2. How Should We Pray?

  3. Prayer and Quantum Non-locality

  4. Bonus Message: Spirits, Ghosts, and Messages From the Other Side

I hope this series renews your faith in the potency of prayer. Prayer is not an attempt to manipulate the physical dimension, nor does it defy the natural laws of physics. Rather, it is an interaction with the higher dimension of Heaven.

Prayer is when we operate out of our authority in God’s kingdom and apply divine laws that surpass natural laws in our 3-dimensional world. God created everything through His words. The world remains under His creative power. By praying, we access and utilize the creative power of God within us, leading to outcomes that align with God's kingdom.

This series delves into quantum entanglement, non-locality, and unified field theory to shed light on prayer's mechanisms. God's kingdom exists among us, but to experience it, we must rely on spiritual laws. Examining the quantum level reveals the power within us and reinforces our confidence in the effectiveness of prayer.