Spirit Led Living: Demystifying God's Indwelling Source of Life MP3

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Spirit Led Living: Demystifying God's Indwelling Source of Life MP3

  1. Exposing Two Kinds of Performance Based Christianity

  2. Jesus is the Testimony of What God Wants For Us

  3. Confidence in the Promise


We’ve made matters of the spirit mystical and mysterious when spirit is simply the source of life in God. Yes there’s a spirit realm that is too vast to comprehend with our natural minds but you are in it and it is in you. It’s not a distant realm you have to travel into.

Being spiritual isn’t about laying on the floor in a euphoric state, it’s being deeply connected to God in your heart like a tree whose roots are deeply rooted in the earth near a water source, drawing life and becoming stronger and more healthy and producing fruit.

Turning to him is like turning to a life source, a strength greater than you, a river of peace, a river of life, a realm of wisdom and knowledge that undergirds how the physical realm operates.