
January 2023 Update

It’s a brand new year, let’s GOOOOO!!! As I sit down to write this, I’m reminded of where I got the name for our church and ministry… Moses was called by God to deliver Israel from slavery in Egypt. Moses tried to do so by force and ended up running and hiding for 40 years after murdering an Egyptian guard.

God still desired for His people to be free from bondage and subjugation so He came again to Moses as a flame of fire in the bush. God persuaded Moses to follow Him and did indeed deliver the Israelites from slavery. Millions of Israelites walked out of Egypt with more gold and wealth than they could carry. They saw God move miraculously to keep His promises to His people.

Upon their deliverance, Pharaoh changed his mind and pursued God’s people who were on the banks of the Red Sea. Pharaoh had them in his sights, they were trapped. Moses could see the mighty enemy approaching, and he knew they had nowhere to go.

December 2023 Update

Merry Christmas season!! I have some great and exciting news!! We bought some land for Forward Church and I’m building a studio for Forward Ministries!! We have been diligent stewards of our current facility but it has become too small. It will be a while before we begin to build but we’re excited about this step. Forward Church has added nearly 20 new families in the last year and a half and nearly all have come with lots of children, which we love!!