
Prayer and Quantum Non-Locality

Prayer and Quantum Non-Locality

There is an intangible aspect to prayer that transcends distance, location, space, and time. Though intangible, it still has an affect. Prayer is not just words spoken into the air, prayer is a declaration of God’s will has a physical effect independent from space or distance. Prayer is not magical, but it is powerful. Join us today as we discuss the phenomenon of non-locality in physics and how that sheds light on the power of prayer.

How Should You Pray Under the New Covenant?

How Should You Pray Under the New Covenant?

I have this discussion alot, centered around this question, "how do I pray under the New Covenant." We must remember that in Christ we are complete, he has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness and all his promises are yes and amen. We are not asking God to give us something we don't already have in Christ. Prayer should be from the perspective to have our hearts and eyes enlightened to see and experience what is already ours in Christ.

Spirits, Ghosts, and Messages from the Other Side

Spirits, Ghosts, and Messages from the Other Side

Do you believe in angels? Do you believe in demons? Do you believe in ghosts? Do you think they are active in the world today? Christians have the capacity to distinguish between spirits and discover the truth. Jesus promised His spirit would come to live inside us and testify of Him when we are born again. His spirit inside us helps us not to be led astray by lying and deceiving spirits. Join us today and learn how to keep your hope anchored in Jesus and not be led astray by messages from the other side.

Quantum Entanglement and the Power of Prayer

Quantum Entanglement and the Power of Prayer

Quantum Mechanics has shown us that there seems to be a different set of laws of physics at the quantum level. At that level, matter appears to respond to human observation rather than continuing along a deterministic course. From this understanding, we can glean insight into the power of prayer and how our prayer is powerful. Like the Centurion soldier healed by Jesus sending the word, we are connected by an unseen field that can manifest the will of God through prayer.