
Walking In Deliverance

Walking In Deliverance

Believers HAVE BEEN DELIVERED from the power of darkness, but what do you do when the enemy attacks? You magnify the supremacy of Christ, acknowledge your identity in Him, stand firm in your authority in Christ and don’t allow your thoughts to run away. God’s spirit of love, power and sound mind will strengthen you until the enemy leaves you alone. Join us today for the final message in this series.

Winning The Battle in your mind Requires A Clear Conscience

Winning The Battle in your mind Requires A Clear Conscience

Spiritual warfare is not when you wrestle with demons, it’s when you wrestle with your own thoughts, to make sure they’re in alignment with the Word of God regarding Christ’s authority and your identity in him. When those are in place you simply stand and resist by resting in Christ, and the enemy will flee. A key to resting is a clear conscience. Join us today to discover the power of a clear conscience in the mental battle of spiritual warfare.

Generational Curses and Familiar Spirits

Generational Curses and Familiar Spirits

The Word of God must shape every belief we have about spiritual matters. Every belief we have about God must be shaped by Jesus, specifically what he accomplished in his atoning work on the cross and his ascension.

We must know what the Bible says on any given matter if it's going to shape our beliefs. Yes, it's true, there are things the Bible doesn't address, but when it does address something, we don't need to develop theories or ideas in addition to what's clearly stated. This is a helpful principle in the subject of generational curses.

Luciferian Doctrines of Demons

Luciferian Doctrines of Demons

The enemy does not want you to trust God. I believe the primary way the enemy undermines our trust toward God is by disparaging His character. The devil wants to make God look bad. The goal of Luciferianism is to undermine God's character by persuading mankind to question the character and benevolence of God.

Winning Spiritual Warfare

Winning Spiritual Warfare

What is spiritual warfare? Are you battling demons? Do you fight to make them obey Jesus? Do you tie them up and send them to the abyss? Or do you battle your own thoughts to believe the truth and resist the enemy?

Yes, we do wrestle with demons, but not in our own flesh and blood strength. The weapons of our warfare are not physical, they are spiritual and soulish. They are spiritual in that we stand in our authority in Christ and they are soulish because we are to put off thoughts that are in line with demonic trickery.

The way you fight or wrestle a demon is by reminding yourself who you are in Christ and being confident in Christ's power in you. You simply stand firm in your trust in the power of Christ, and the enemy must flee from you.

In no way can you fight a spiritual being, but you can stand still in peace, fully persuaded of the supremacy of Christ. Then, when your heart is confident in who Christ is in you, you will yield to his grace to strengthen you to resist the lies and deceptions the enemy brings your way.

The Origin of Demons

The Origin of Demons

Why do demons exist? Where did they come from? Genesis 6 and Jude tell us that a group of fallen angels, called the Watchers, mated with human women and gave birth to a corrupt species of creature called the Nephilim. The Nephilim were giants that sought to rule and defile mankind. The Watchers taught mankind all sorts of perverse mystical secrets which eventually led to the great flood in the days of Noah. The Watchers that fell are now in chains but the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim still roam the earth today seeking to oppress and defile humanity. But Jesus had other plans.