Confess The Word of God to Renew Your Mind and Be Transformed

You are transformed as you renew your mind (Romans 12:2). There is no better source for mind-renewal than the word of God.

There are several methods and applications to root the word in your heart. You can read, pray, meditate, confess, incorporate into art, listen to, and sing songs about the word of God, but in all of those, you must hold the word in your heart to give it time to root and bear fruit.

I want to focus on the power of confession in this article. For a little more context, I am discussing confession in light of renewing your mind and developing confidence in the area of your assignment from God.

You might ask “how do I know what my assignment is?” Here’s the short version - ask yourself “who do I love?” When you know who you love you can then determine how you will love them and get busy on your assignment, God will give you the details along the way.

The Greek word for confess is homologeō , which means “to say the same thing, to agree with, to profess.”

When you confess God’s word you are saying the same thing God is saying about whatever you are confessing. You are coming into agreement with God. You are professing his wisdom, logic, promises and faithfulness over your life and circumstances.

In this Becoming Limitless series, we are using the power of confession to build a Confession Script for your assignment from God.

I gave my church the assignment to write down several identity passages as well as a few passages that relate to their assignment from God. Scroll down and watch previous sermons to discover how to determine your assignment from God. I invite you to work on the same assignment. Compile the list then read it out loud as part of your prayer time. Say it until you feel it, say it until you believe it.

You don’t confess the word to make God move and you don’t confess it to magically make things happen in your life, you confess it to make it believable to your heart.

All things are possible to those who believe!!
If you want to be limitless, do whatever it takes to believe!!

As you go about fulfilling God’s assignments for your life it is important to keep your mind renewed and guard against those pesky internal limitations that seek to disqualify you from fulfilling your assignment.

A Confession Script is a powerful tool to keep your heart confident in your identity in Christ and focused on the goal of completing your assignment.

Do yourself a favor and use God’s word to renew your mind. Put on your true identity by confessing God’s word over every internal issue and external circumstance. The word of God is alive and powerful, co-labor with it to speak life over your future!!

Clint Byars

Believer, Husband, Father