Are You Heart-Sick from Judging God?

Are You Heart-Sick from Judging God?

Have you ever prayed and felt like nothing happened? Me too. Have you ever stood on a promise from God and the exact opposite happened? Me too. Maybe you were praying for provision, wisdom, the right job, a spouse or a loved one in a life threatening illness. And maybe that spouse never came, you never got the job or the loved one died. When then?

Does God Punish Sin Now?

Does God Punish Sin Now?

It's interesting we still have the same issues in Christianity today that Paul faced. You tell people they're free from the judgment of their sin in Christ and they’ll ask, "does that mean people can just sin and get away with it?" Well, certain people ask that. Those same kinds of people asked the Apostle Paul that on a regular basis.

How to Forgive Others

How to Forgive Others

There are two main sources of pain and suffering; loss and offense.

Loss is unfortunately part of this world. The world is not in the condition God created it to exist in and it’s not yet what it will be. One day God will restore all things and we’ll transition into what we know of as Heaven. Until then, we will all suffer some kinds of loss. We do have God’s promise of peace and provision in the midst of loss but it will come.

The other source of pain is offense. Offense comes when we attach significance to other’s actions. Offense is a tool of the enemy to keep us isolated but we’re also pretty good and being offended without the enemy’s help. Offense rests within the heart like a splinter. It’s a nagging pain that installs a filter. When we’re offended we look through it as a lens to the world. It skews every relationship and circumstance once the offense takes root in our heart.

9 Lessons from Jesus About Prayer

9 Lessons from Jesus About Prayer

In Matthew 6, Jesus gives much detail about prayer. What to do, what not to do, the attitude you should have and how to prioritize. He also makes prayer personal by describing God as your Father, that he values you and that he’ll provide for you because you are valuable. After Jesus’ discourse on prayer, he concludes with a simple yet profound statement… “so don’t worry.” Here are 9 take away’s from Matthew 6.

Why Didn't Jesus Stone Adulterers to Death?

Why Didn't Jesus Stone Adulterers to Death?

Here’s the progression of thought I’m addressing in this article:

  1. Leviticus 20:10 requires death for adultery.

  2. Jesus defined adultery as lust in your heart toward another woman rather than actual act of adultery. He raised the standard of the law from actions, to the intention of the heart. See Matthew 5:27-30

  3. When Jesus encountered an adulterers, he didn’t kill them. John 8:3-11 and John 4

  4. Why?

We have more than one historical record of Jesus encountering adulterers, neither time does he kill them, even though the Law requires it, why? Does Jesus contradict himself? Do the teachings of Jesus not apply to us? Should we throw out what he says because we have a New Covenant?

It’s none of that. Jesus honored the standard of the Law yet treated people in the context of love and grace. Jesus is the Word of God in action. He is God in the flesh. He is the embodiment of the righteous standard of God. Yet when he encountered a sin that required death, he lifted off every ounce of guilt, removed condemnation, forgave the person and gave them another chance.


Our Perspective Often Undermines God's Goodness

Our Perspective Often Undermines God's Goodness

They way we see it isn’t necessarily how it really is, it’s just how we see it.

Truer words couldn’t have been spoken when it comes to understanding how God operates in our lives. Too many Jesus followers base their beliefs about God on their circumstances rather on who God says he is. Here’s the bottom line, Jesus is a crystal clear image of who God is. Why then do we exalt God’s acquiescence to mankind’s failure over the clear picture of God’s intentions toward mankind through Christ?

The LORD God is a Good Shepherd - A Meditation in Psalm 23

The LORD God is a Good Shepherd - A Meditation in Psalm 23

Who you think God is, is the most important question you can answer. Framing up the character of God and how he relates to you is the most important thing you can resolve in your thinking. Unfortunately, scripture can be used to paint all sorts of narratives about God, but at his core, God is a loving father who chooses to define himself as a good shepherd, a shepherd who is kind to his sheep and leads them peacefully to green nourishing fields.

Hold A Vision of God's Word in Your Heart

Hold A Vision of God's Word in Your Heart

Carnal thinking: I am depressed
Spiritual thinking: The joy of the Lord is my strength
It's really that simple...or is it? 

Knowing the truth is simple but applying it takes wisdom. We know that carnal thinking leads to death and spiritual thinking leads to life and peace (Romans 8:6). The question that should leave you with is this; how do I think spiritually and how does it produce life and peace?

For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.

Carnal mindedness isn't necessarily depraved, sinful thinking, carnal thinking in its most basic form just leaves God out. Carnal thinking reasons based on what seems logical according to the way of the world. Spiritual thinking reasons based on God's ways and the fact that God can make a way where there is no way.

Carnal thinking is influenced by what it can see, spiritual thinking realizes there's an unseen element in the equation that can change things. Spiritual thinking realizes that with God, all things are possible. If you are facing a challenge and don't see how God can do anything about it, you're limited to what makes sense carnally and you simply need to repent.

Who Is Jesus and What Did He Do?

Who Is Jesus and What Did He Do?


Think of a few words to describe Jesus…  What are those words?

Now think of a few words to describe Christians…  What are those words? I'm betting those words are not as favorable as your words are for Jesus?

The point is we often have a different view of the people who follow Jesus than the man himself. I’d like to take a few moments of your time to give you some good news, good news about Jesus. Just because his followers often do not live the way he did doesn’t take away from who he is. Most people know he worked miracles, performed healings, taught his followers to love people and died on a cross but how much do you know about what happened on that cross? And one more question, do you know what it means for you?

The Science Behind Spiritual Thinking and How the Words of Jesus Can Abide In You

The Science Behind Spiritual Thinking and How the Words of Jesus Can Abide In You

Discipleship is the point organized church. Of course, The Church (proper) is people, but organized church is for building people up in their identity in Christ and equipping them for the work of the ministry. "The work of the ministry" being multi-faceted and highly creative in terms or expression. In other words, ministry can be nearly almost anything as long as it ultimately points people to faith in Jesus. Oh come on, you know what I mean by "anything."

A MASSIVE element of discipleship is self-discipleship, or self-discipline. If we can become masters of self-discipline, the church would become much more mature, healthy and effective, no question. I think that's possible. The more people know who they are in Christ, the more they will live accordingly. The problem is that we have too much water under the bridge to our previous life (before Christ) that the hard wiring of our brains and hearts haven't full undergone transformation yet.