Vision and Mission 2019

Vision and Mission 2019

This weekend I spoke about the Vision of our church. My church’s vision and my personal vision are very similar. While I’m part of Forward Church, serving my community through that role, I also have a personal vision for my ministry beyond my role as pastor of Forward Church.

The big picture is to change the way people see God. I do that by bringing people to wholeness through God’s love and help them establish their hearts in grace.

I want people to change the way they see God by putting their views and opinions of God through a new covenant lens and looking to Jesus for understanding about God’s attitude toward mankind. Too many people think it’s a good thing to be afraid of God, that believers still have a sin nature, that God will judge you for your sin, that God won’t put more on you than you can bare and that their righteousness is related to their behavior. I want to help people detox from those legalistic and unscriptural beliefs.



SPLAGCHNIZOMAI is Greek for “moved with compassion.” Jesus was SPLAGCHNIZOMAI and healed people. Jesus was “moved with compassion” to teach people. When you look at all the usages of this word you see that Jesus was moved with compassion in just about every aspect of life he walked in. You can be too.

Being moved or led by God is not as difficult or mystical as it sounds, it can actually be done consistently. There doesn’t have to be guess work in hearing and following God. The guess work only comes in when we’re unsure of our identity or we’ve allowed our hearts to be distracted by life’s circumstances.

The key is understanding that you have a new heart. Unfortunately when discussing the heart, many Christians think of this verse…

You Need A Loving Church Community

You Need A Loving Church Community

It can be hard to find a good church, have you noticed? When I say church, I don’t necessarily mean the classic definition, I mean a body of believers that support and encourage one another. Depending on where you are in the world your options may be limited. Depending on what city you’re in in the USA, you may not have a church preaching the Gospel near you.

Your Calling Is To Love People

Your Calling Is To Love People

Do you know why you exist, why God created you? Was it to do a job for him? No! It was to be his child. You can know someone’s intent by their endgame, the ultimate result of why they’re doing what they’re doing. God’s ultimate explanation of his intention toward mankind point to an eternal family that lives with him in perfection as he reveals his grace to us forever!!

How to Access Grace in Weakness - Understanding Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

How to Access Grace in Weakness - Understanding Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh

When the Apostle Paul asked God to take away his “thorn in the flesh,” God answered by saying, “my grace is what you need.” Was that a “no?” No! That was a solution. God’s grace is an inner power that causes us to overcome any and every situation we may face. God didn’t tell Paul, no, not right now, I need you to suffer a little while, he said Paul, if you’ll access my power within you you’ll have victory in this area. This is true for us as well, check out this message and article to discover how to access grace!

What Does “Willful Sin” mean in Hebrews?

What Does “Willful Sin” mean in Hebrews?

To understand a letter or a book, it’s best to read the whole thing, especially when it comes to the Bible. It’s important to know how an author defines certain words and who he is speaking to. Take this verse for example…

For if we go on sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a fearful expectation of judgment, and a fury of fire that will consume the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-27

Do you know what he means by “if we go on sinning deliberately?” Most folks will say “it’s obvious, he’s talking about adultery, drunkenness, immorality and sexual sin.” Except he isn’t. Let me explain.

The Eternal Royal Grant New Covenant

The Eternal Royal Grant New Covenant

When the Old Covenant prophets prophesied the New Covenant, they were declarations from God regarding what he would do for his people. He announces promises and blessings for those in this New Covenant. There is no curse outlined for breaking the New Covenant, only the possibility of missing out on the promises if they didn’t follow his instructions.

Understand the Different Kinds of Covenants

Understand the Different Kinds of Covenants

God makes covenants. They’re important to him. You probably knew that. But did you know there are different kinds of covenants? Understanding the different kinds and knowing which kind of covenant you’re now in is liberating and possibly life changing for you.

Give it to God then Guard Your Heart

Give it to God then Guard Your Heart

When you talk to God, do you ask him to move Heaven and Earth to meet your need or do you ask for wisdom to be led to your solution? Faith is more internal than external, it’s about trusting God to shape you rather than shaping the world. Faith doesn’t necessarily move God, it’s your response to his love and influence in your heart. Faith, is our response to what God has accomplished in Jesus.

You Can End Fear In 2 Minutes

You Can End Fear In 2 Minutes

Fear is a human emotion that is triggered by a perceived threat. It is a basic survival mechanism that signals our bodies to respond to danger with a fight or flight response. Essentially, fear is an attempt to keep ourselves safe.

If you find yourself afraid of a situation, whether real or imagined, you can position yourself before God to be empowered and conquer the fear. He designed your body to respond to your focus. Choose one of his promises in Christ, remember that Jesus conquered death for you and allow your body to change its chemistry and serve you better.